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Imagine a living space that enhances your wellbeing and complements your healing journey.

Imagine no longer reacting to the various products you use inside your home

You’re exhausted and confused by all the information out there on “clean living”

You’ve tried so many ideas to address your health and are resigned to feeling like this forever

You’re not sure if your symptoms are even connected to the environment and products around you

You're not sure which products to purchase to help minimize your toxic load

maybe you desire a healing environment,

despite these doubts (and I had them, too!), it's possible to have what you want:

build awareness of your body and its reactions to various stimuli in your environment

feel empowered to make smarter purchasing choices for products and solutions in your home

jumpstart your environment within your home to promote and accelerate your healing

Hi, I'm Angela

I'm an Environmental Toxins Consultant and Wellness Coach.

My mission is to empower you to understand the vital connection between your home environment and your physical health. I want you to never give up on your health potential, because if you haven’t addressed your physical environment, you have not tried everything quite yet.

I get it. I can relate to where you are right now, desperate and frustrated with your health status.  

In my 20s, my health deteriorated rapidly, and I struggled with an autoimmune disease and so many other associated symptoms of hair loss, joint and nerve pain, weight fluctuations, and gut dysbiosis. The situation became so dire that I had to leave medical school during my first year since I was a barely functioning human being. I struggled for several years, saw almost 30 providers, tried new eating plans, and spent thousands of dollars without much progress.

Despite my background and education in biomedical research, I never once considered the adverse effects of the cleaning products, air, water, or skin care products (just to name a few) in my home environment.

When I finally removed myself from my toxic mold-laden environment, detoxed my new living space, and embraced a non-toxic lifestyle, I was able to heal. My body could function properly and embrace the supplements and dietary changes I had made, instead of fighting the invisible intruders from my environment.

I now help individuals struggling with CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome), mold toxicity, and autoimmune conditions evaluate their living spaces for toxic exposure and then detox those spaces from potential physical stressors, while adjusting their mindset in the process. Together, we transform their home environment into a healing sanctuary in which they can thrive, overcome their health challenges, and maximize their healing potential.

As seen in

A 2016 study published by the Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology journal estimated that endocrine disrupting chemicals such as those found in plastic bottles, detergents, pesticides, and cosmetics cost the United States more than $340 billion per year in health costs and lost earnings. 

Attina, T. M., Hauser, R., Sathyanarayana, S., Hunt, P. A., Bourguignon, J.-P., Myers, J. P., DiGangi, J., Zoeller, R. T., & Trasande, L. (2016). Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the USA: a population-based disease burden and cost analysis. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 4(12), 996–1003.

"Clean living” is a buzz word these days. It’s hard to know which sources to trust and how to go about implementing these tips into your everyday life. It can be frustrating to figure out how to address your environment and choose healthier products!


A mini coaching Program that will
jumpstart your non-toxic lifestyle and living space

enroll now

the Haven Helper

I spent nearly a decade and thousands of dollars chasing various programs, trying treatments, various diets, and different supplements, all without success.

What I realized is this: those investments into my health could not work fully on me until I had addressed the toxins inhibiting me in my own environment. Once I addressed and cleaned up my living environment and the products I used, I was finally able to heal and accept the other treatments and dietary changes I had made.

The problem is you want help right now! You are not ready to commit to months of coaching and could benefit from a quick jumpstart into the non-toxic lifestyle.

Skip the overwhelm of trying to adopt a non-toxic lifestyle

Build awareness of your body and its reactions to different inputs and products around you

Transition to better products and solutions for your home maintenance and grooming needs

Feel empowered in your knowledge about environmental toxins to make stronger purchasing decisions in the future

Begin the journey of transforming your home into a true haven, a place of healing and rest. 

the haven helper is a 4-week program that will help you:

Your indoor environment quality and product choices affect your health

what's included?

One 90-minute session via video: focused on education, an assessment of your indoor environment, and evaluating your current product choices

Two 30-minute sessions via video: focused on building body awareness, any challenges holding you back, swapping out products for your customized recommendations, and reviewing the results

Symptom tracker workbook: You will receive in the mail your own symptom tracker that I designed with clear instructions on how to use it. This is also be a workbook for you to use as you explore various product recommendations and adjustments to your home environment.

Worksheets, checklists, and homework: Every session, you’ll receive plenty of resources to explore as well as concrete action steps to take at your own pace.

List of resources and recommended cleaning and grooming products: I will recommend different products to try at a variety of price points tailored to your needs.

Email access in-between your weekly sessions: You have access to me in-between our sessions within the work week (M-F). Expect an answer within 2 business days. Longer questions will be explored at the next session.


If you choose to continue with the gains you have made during this mini coaching package, you will receive a 30% discount on my signature system, “Heal Your Sanctuary.” 


Don't delay seeking the health and lifestyle you desire!


1 x payment of $199

Book a free discovery call now

*Discovey Call required prior to enrollment*

enroll now

You do not need to feel like this forever. I'm Living Proof.

If you haven’t healed your physical environment and removed the environmental toxins triggering your immune system, then you have not tried everything yet.

You don’t have to feel overwhelmed in this process, because I will be alongside you the whole way!

You deserve to become the best version of yourself again, to thrive and enjoy life, but also to be able to complete the purpose you were created for!

Book your free call today

Is this program for me?

Is this program for me?

frequently asked questions

If you’re interested in adopting a non-toxic lifestyle or curious to see if it would help your inflammatory symptoms, this program is for you. If you’re not ready to commit to a longer program, but want some easy, quick wins, this program is for you! 

What are my investment options?

What are my investment options?

This program is $275 in total, payable upfront. I will guide you in a clear and direct way to jumpstart your indoor living space, choose better products for your needs, and empower you to understand the vital link between environmental toxins and your wellbeing.

What is your philosophy?

What is your philosophy?

I believe in a holistic approach to managing your health. Your nutrition, lifestyle choices, fitness, and stress levels all play a role in your overall wellness, but I believe (especially for those of us with autoimmune issues) your environment and surroundings are the foundation that allows all the other components to work. You shouldn’t have to fight an invisible enemy that may be your home environment. You should feel at peace and calm within your four walls, knowing that the choices you make to fuel your body and nourish your soul are not being undermined by your surroundings.

My goal for my clients is not to achieve a 100% non-toxic lifestyle, since that would be impossible! My philosophy is to figure out a place along the spectrum of the non-toxic lifestyle where you feel the most benefit, but most importantly, are able maintain the changes long-term. It’s about making small changes to reap larger rewards down the road, with the idea that a culmination of tiny adjustments can really help lower your overall toxic burden.     

What is your background?

What is your background?

I have a M.S. in Biotechnology, a degree focused on laboratory science and developments in pharmaceutical solutions. I worked for two years in clinical research with end-stage liver disease patients, liver transplant patients, and living liver donor patients. I also took all the grueling pre-requisites for medical school and completed the first half of my M1 year.

Most importantly, I have worked through my own health issues for almost a decade, a veteran patient of the allopathic and homeopathic worlds. I finally found peace in my journey by embracing a non-toxic lifestyle, and counseled many others along the way to do the same. I am currently in the process to become a Certified Wellness Coach and expect complete my certification in November 2021. 

What is an environmental toxins consultant and wellness coach?

What is an environmental toxins consultant and wellness coach?

A wellness coach is a bridge between your treatment plan and actual implementation and maintenance, to reach your health goals and potential. I do not make diagnoses or prescribe a treatment plan. I take a holistic approach to help you to implement and maintain lifestyle changes that will support your current course as a mentor and cheerleader. I help you to realize your goals and how to overcome roadblocks along the way.

As an environmental toxins consultant, I specialize in helping you understand the lurking risks in your environment and recommend products and changes that improve your overall wellbeing within your indoor space. 

Combining these two areas together allows me to help you in a unique way to empower you as an educated consumer, but also tackle any lurking fears and habit changes necessary to maintain a new lifestyle.

How long does this program take?

How long does this program take?

This course takes roughly 4 weeks to complete. We will meet for one 90-min session and then two 30-min sessions. You will have homework assignments to complete following each session, which will help you achieve change and educate you at the same time. You also have email access to me between our sessions, although longer questions will be addressed in our sessions. 

What is your refund policy? 

What is your refund policy? 

Given the unique nature of this program, I do not offer refunds. My purpose is to guide you along a journey to a complete lifestyle change and mindset shift, which requires a full commitment from you from the beginning. When a refund is available, the client will feel he or she has a “way out” and thus not be completely ready for the next step. I expect clients to bring full focus to their coaching experience and for this reason, it behooves the client to decide if this program is the right fit prior to purchasing and committing to work with me. 

Why do you require a discovery call before booking? 

Why do you require a discovery call before booking?

A decision to move forward to benefit your health is the most important investment you can make. Given my no-refund policy, it is especially important that clients have an opportunity to meet and interact with me before purchasing, to make sure I am the best coach to help you. It’s also a great opportunity to ask questions and share more of your story with me. You can choose to do a video call or audio-only call with me via Microsoft Teams. 

What if I want to continue past 4 weeks?

I'm not ready to commit for 12 weeks. Do you have a shorter program?

If you want to continue working together past this mini coaching program, I invite you to check out my signature 90-day coaching program, "Heal Your Sanctuary." You can find out more here. You will receive a 30% discount if you sign up after completion of the Haven Helper mini coaching program.

Ready to Get started?
Have more questions?

Book your free call today


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Here describe your bonus and what benefits your client will gain from it. Make it super compelling and interesting. 



Here describe your bonus and what benefits your client will gain from it. Make it super compelling and interesting. 


Total value over $XXX

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This program is designed for women who...

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i want you to love it

Thank you so very much still doesn't cover how grateful I am for how you have helped me. Fantastic program, worth every penny. I have a life I love now!

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Thank you so very much still doesn't cover how grateful I am for how you have helped me. Fantastic program, worth every penny. I have a life I love now!

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Thank you so very much still doesn't cover how grateful I am for how you have helped me. Fantastic program, worth every penny. I have a life I love now!

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